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Coldspring Newtown
Baltimore, Maryland's Best Kept Secret!
The Coldspring Newtown Community consists of several sub-neighborhoods

Coldspring Board of Directors
CCA Board Members 2021
(Meets on the 4th Thursday of the month)
Chikwe Njoku -Woodlands - President
-1B - Vice President
Carl McGrew - 1B - Treasurer
Richard Foster -1A - Secretary
Members at Large
- 1A
Veronica Henry - Woodlands
Jeanne House - Parkview
vacant- Ruscombe Gardens
1A Board Members 2021
(Meetings TBA)
Joe Zammarella - President
Adam Alston -V.President
Andrew Saller -Treasurer
vacant - Secretary
CCA Reps
Richard Foster
1B Board Members 2021
(Meets on the 3rd Monday every other month)
- President
Didier Ducassou - Vice President
Jamie Gasiorowski- Treasurer
Emily Bomgardner- Secretary
Damian Jones - Member at Large
- Member at Large
CCA Reps
Carl McGrew
The Woodlands
(Meetings: TBA)
President - Noah Harburger
Vice President - Chikwe Njoku
Member at Large - Veronica Henry
Member at Large - Charles McGhee
Member at Large - Tina Brown
CCA Reps
Chikwe Njoku
Veronica Henry

Coldspring 1-A Condominiums
Coldspring Condominium 1A was the first component of an architecturally designed Baltimore City community, consisting of 124 residences with many unique features, including enclosed parking and the separation of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The Coldspring community is centrally located and, while physically dense, it has a sense of space and privacy in a park-like setting with extensive landscaping. Coldspring New Town was originally conceived in the 1970's as a community in a park and a town within a town, and is one of Baltimore's most innovative planned communities. Among it s most striking features are the deck houses which showcase the architectural styling of Moshe Safdie and Associates, and its abundant community spaces.
Download additional information below:
About Coldspring 1-A Condominiums

Coldspring 1-B Condominiums
Coldspring 1-B consists of 128 units and was completed in 1982. These units followed the design of 1-A and were part of the overall "Coldspring Newtown" plan that originally called for a large "town within Baltimore City" of more than 2000 dwelling units. While the overall plan was not completed, these modern condominiums are a unique design in the region.
Download additional information below:
About Coldspring 1-B Condominiums

The Woodlands
The Woodlands at Coldspring is a two- and three-story award-winning affordable garage townhome community, nestled between Coldspring Newtown and the Cylburn Arboretum.
This highly successful multi-use subdivision features a combination of 56 townhomes and 43 single-family homes.
The Woodlands acclaimed success comes from its unique design within the marketplace. The townhome elevations feature up-scale vinyl siding, architecturally designed covered entry ways, and metal standing roofs. The Woodlands landscape architecture stands out among others, as its plan was designed to utilize and implement on-site reforestation.

Parkview Senior Apartments
Parkview offers senior citizens planned activities and health care in a clean, safe, and friendly environment.
This independent senior living facility offers the following amenities, sevices, and resident options:
Dining facilities
Public transportation
Pets allowed
Wellness center
Private transportation
Fitness area
Gardening area